Preparing for the RBT® exam? Our RBT® exam videos are a great place to start. Then, purchase our RBT® practice exams and our complete RBT® exam study guide. Our RBT® exam review combo pack has helped Thousands of RBTs pass their exam. Registered Behavior Technician® exam prep the easy way.

Success Stories from Current RBTs®

Read these real testimonials from real customers and students who are now registered behavior technicians®. Are you next? Thousands of students have passed their RBT® exam thanks to our RBT® exam prep. All you need to give yourself the best chance to pass on your first attempt and earn your RBT certification is our RBT® study guide, RBT practice exams, and youtube videos.

Thank you for posting the videos. I purchased the RBT exam bundle. I took my exam today and I passed! Your YouTube channel is awesome.👍

Nicole E.

RBT®, Used the Combo Pack and Videos

I took my RBT exam three times before I found your study materials. I purchased the combo pack and finally passed!! Thank you!

Rachel M.

RBT®, Used the Combo Pack and Videos

Just passed my test today! Your combo pack saved me! Thank you for all your help!!

Megumi N.

RBT®, used YouTube and the RBT® Exam Combo Pack

RBT® Exam Study Materials

You won’t find better RBT® Exam Prep materials anywhere else. Three full length RBT® practice exams, a complete RBT® task list study guide, and fluency flashcards are available to help you pass your exam on your next attempt. 

RBT® Practice Exams

$ 30

RBT® Combo - Get Everything!

$ 45

RBT® Exam Study Guide

$ 25

RBT® Exam Prep Videos

We offer a full library of RBT® Exam and Competency YouTube videos guaranteed to help you pass the Registered Behavior Technician® Exam or Competency Assessment. Visit us on YouTube to see our full library which includes the Registered Behavior Technician® Task List Study Guide video and the RBT® Competency Assessment Study Guide video along with several RBT practice exams. Our YouTube videos pair great with our RBT® task list study guide and RBT® mock exams. Pass the RBT exam easily with our resources.

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About our RBT® exam review materials

This RBT® exam review program from BT Exam Review was created by a BCBA® with years of training experience. Our mission is to simplify the process of studying for the registered behavior technician® exam or the RBT® competency assessment. You must pass the RBT® exam before you can become a registered behavior technician®. Use our study materials and practice videos to help your achieve your goals of passing the RBT® examination. We also have a full RBT® Competency Assessment study guide here.

RBT® Practice Exam Questions

Free multiple choice mock RBT® exam practice questions for you to test your knowledge. Unlimited attempts. After you’re done, download our study materials and head to our YouTube channel. RBT® exam prep the smart way.

The Best ABA Registered Behavior Technician® Prep

Wondering how to pass the RBT® exam? Watch the YouTube videos, buy the three Registered Behavior Technician® practice exams and the Registered Behavior Technician® task list study guide, and get one step closer to passing the registered behavior technician exam. Our RBT exam practice tests for  are the best money can buy. When it’s time for your RBT® competency assessment, we have videos and an RBT® Competency Assessment Study Guide for that too. For BCBA® exam prep, check out